Saturday, April 10, 2010

Comes and Goes in Waves

What a roller coaster it is to live here and to work here. From one day to the next I'm never 100% sure how I'm going to feel about the experience or what kind of emotional arsenal I'll need to conquer the day. This is exhausting! I'm an emotional person , but even for me this can be a bit much... I find myself wondering (more often than I ever remember being conscious of the issue) just how much effort usually goes into just BEING. Am I over-thinking every little thing? Am I being dramatic/emotional? Am I really happy? Am I getting the most I possibly can out of this?

Oh, wait. WHO CARES?!?

Seriously. I moved to the other side of the world. I get to interact on a daily basis with beautiful little children (some more so than others) who all deserve attention and love and energy (that I sometimes don't have haha). For that reason ALONE this is all worth it, right?! Not to mention that OH MY GOODNESS I'm living abroad! Isn't this the kind of thing that I thought about daily as I sat in an office in DC, or when I was graduating college wondering where my life was going? I never in a million years thought I would SEE Asia much less live here. So my April 9 resolution (too late for New Years?): JUST BE. Appreciate where I am when I'm there, knowing that like everything else, it is temporary, and there is so much I can make from where I am right now. Addendum to that resolution: 'just be' without pressuring myself to be absolutely sucking every little bit of possibility out of every moment. Have your crazy adventure weekends, but remember that, yup, it's OK to stay in on a Friday the next weekend. Yup, it's OK to watch a several-hour chunk of TV if you want. Awesome. :) Like a really wise lady once told me, 'not every part of life is always going to be full'.... but at the same time, it's as full as you let it be. :) So there, over-thinking Kelsey. Take that.

(and please, remember it)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kels!
    I'm sure you've heard it before, but it sounds like you're feeling the normal craziness of living abroad. I myself have been quite emotional lately, even if I am still happy to be living abroad. anyways, i think you're thoughts are legit and valid, and I want to encourage you to continue to be easy on yourself, enjoy life, and keep serving your people!
    Love you girl. A prayer and a hug from me!
